Thursday, October 7, 2010

People and driving

What is it with people and either being in a hurry to pass you up or the need to still text, read books/paper, and tailgate you. So this morning I was on my way to work, yes a whole 1.3 miles straight down the road. Lucky me!!  First pulling out my driveway and waiting for traffic to go by, finally my turn, car is at stop sign about 500 feet away, so I go.  I stop to let the kids at the crosswalk pass by since it is the correct thing to do. This person from behind almost his me because they were looking down and didn't realize I was stopped. OK proceed to go. At the light waiting for it to turn green, my turn, as I start to go, someone passes the red light to turn in from of me. Now if you are from the area there is a light by the paper mill that turn red right away and yes you slow down and stop. This person did no such thing. Had I not been looking, and get into the habit of looking before you go, I would have been hit. Next two lights were OK and then comes the light that has the lane to turn left or the right lane to continue straight.  This guy on the left hand lane was racing to try to pass everyone since he was in the wrong lane, tried to force his way and the cars were not letting him. Of course they were flowing with traffic and if you know you have to stay on the right lane then be in it at least a block  before not at the last minute! 

No one let him in and as I was passing, was going to but then he is beeping as people are passing and flicking us off. Oh well there goes my niceness of letting you in. Almost at work just 3 more lights to go. Yes even thought it is a short distance, I still drive and there is a lot of lights. Getting to the final light before I turn, there is a minivan in the left lane kind of going in and out of their lane, light turns red so I look over to see what was going on, HE WAS READING A PAPER!!! Really!??  Since when is it OK to read a paper or anything else while driving? OK almost to work. Behind some car in the parking ramp that can't make up their mind where to park. Make a decision.  This person would stop and look and then start going again.  FINALLY they made a choice and parked but come on!  There were plenty of spaces where your company has assigned parking.  Yes we share a ramp with another company and since they have moved it, it has been a cluster F***. NO I am not an impatient driver but when I see things like these it really ticks me off.  

Time to go home.  People on the leaving feel that they have to go driving down the ramp like it is the Indy 500.  As people are trying to pull out of their spot almost get hit because one minute there is no one around then oh look a car!  OK finally out of the death trap and onto the road again. 

Just as fun as the morning.  People tailgating you, passing you up because their time is more valuable then yours! Mind you Speed limit is 25 but people go 40.  I was going about 27 ( I am a dare devil!!) I was behind a few cars going normal speed and this red sports car wanna be is dodging in and out.  He passes me then cuts me off so he can get a millisecond faster to his destination.  My goodness. Do we all have to take the driving test again? How many people would fail?  Finally a block away from home.  Ready to pull into the driveway, put my signal that I am turning and wait for the car to pass on the other side, person behind me was too much in a hurry because there is really not too much room to go around but they managed.  Funny thing is that turned down the street next to the house. 
Don't be in a hurry to get to where you are just get there safely.  I'd rather be late than not get there at all. 
Think about it.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cough and cold

Small post for the day. I have been fighting a cough for the last two and a half weeks and my daughter for over a month.  Seems like Flu season is upon us. But it has come early for us this year.  Cough, sore throat, fever and chills. Hate this feeling.  Many home remedies to use but really works.  My grandma, rest her soul, would make lemon tea with honey and that would help soothe the cough and sore throat. Of course it also helped that she held you in her arms and snuggled you. Miss those days. There is also the Vick's to the bottom of the feet then put a pair of socks on and sleep. That helps as well. I have tried them and so far no luck. I am on Antibiotics now before it turns into bronchitis or pneumonia. So what are your home remedies for this type of symptoms.  Am willing to try anything within reason. Suggestions?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Am I the only one that stands up to people?

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Last week ours was very interesting. Celebrated two birthdays and helped out a friend. This is what made me think of this post for the day. Hopefully this weekend is better than the last. 

About my friend. She comes from an abusive relationship and thinks somehow it is her fault.

Why do we woman and some men think that is our fault for being treated so poorly. I seen a post on a different blog that made me think about all the abuse in the world.  Now my friend, I'll call her Sam, has been in an on/off relationship with a man who is 14 years older that her and has been living off of her for the last year.  Between this time, there has been a few calls to the police because he has hit her a few times and she is pregnant with two kids. I do feel bad for the kids who are in the middle of this mess as well as her.  I have been there for her since I've met her, helping out by taking care of the kids while she worked when he was out of the picture and even when she needed help with the police.

This past weekend I am hoping was the final draw for her. He locked her out of her own apartment and it was getting late, she has nowhere else to go. I don't have the room at our place so I couldn't invite her to stay there. She called the police and while we were waiting for them to get there. My husband who if you know him is a calm and easy going person tried to get him to open the door. Did not answer. As Rich went back down the stairs, he left the apartment out the back way and ran. Yes locking it up again.

Now how hard was it to simply open the door for her and just leave? So now the door is again locked the landlord is on vacation and some how we need to get her inside. Rich seen someone at the end of the parking lot just looking at us so he decided to walk toward him and see if he can get the keys. This is what happened per conversation from my husband to him:

Rich: Hey you! Come back here. Why are you running?  All Sam wants is the keys to get into her apartment.
Jerk: No answer
Rich: Hello, do you have the keys and can we have them please.
Jerk: No answer
Rich: It takes a big man to run away with his tail between his legs.  Leaving a pregnant woman and her kids out in the cold. 
Jerk: What did you say to me Mother ****!?
Rich: Can I have the keys please.
Jerk: F/U I'll show you how tough I am.
Rich: This has nothing to so with what we're talking about. Can I have the keys please.
Jerk: I'll F*** you up. 
Rich: (As he was laughing) Can we have the keys PLEASE!? 
Jerk: I'll F*ing kill you. I'll kill you and you fat wife too,
Rich: Still laughing at him, Can I have the Keys Please.
Jerk: I'm gonna kill your F*ing Kid.
Rich: (Gave him a look that he just messed up) Are you going to give me the keys or not?! In a very aggressive tone and by now was walking toward the jerk.
Jerk: (probably thinking to himself on how he just messed up with the last comment, ran)

Rich came back to where Sam and I were and said that he was filing a police report because he threaten our lives and Rich does not take this lightly.  And no the Jerk would not give him the keys. 

So ponder this. Think about it and give me a post with your answer. 
How far would you have gone with this?
Would you have been this calm? 
What would you have done? 

Looking forward to seeing your response. 

Oh and yes we did finally get her back into her apartment. There was a backup landlord with spare keys.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Yes, It's Friday

I have been trying to get the time to post all week. By the time I sit down I'm just too tired to do it. Victoria has been running us ragged the last few weeks, work has been pretty.....well, work-y. Time gets away from the best of us, and I am planning on some new posts, have actually started some, I just need a nice chunk of uninterrupted time. You know what that is like right? Well as I said, quick post and update, we really don't have any plans for the Labor Day weekend, so everyone drive safe, be safe, and I shall see you all next week!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hopping!

Since I am new at this blogging thing, I enjoy reading and finding other blogs. What helps me to do this is these blog hops. A number of very interesting sites I have found with some cool people as well. So lets see if this week the links work! Lets go hopping!

My Life With Rats And More

Blogging Hints

Let me know what cool blogs you find! I love comments, and I sure hope I can post more, life has just been so hectic, well I am sure you know what I am talking about! Thank you!

Yeah, the buttons did not work. So I included the blog links. I will figure this out!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bossy Kids

This should have been posted on Monday but with the massive migraine I had it was hard to concentrate on the word so without further ado.
Ever notice how kids can be bossy. Where do they get this from? I definitely don't want to see the kids being walked over by any means but then there are limits.  We went to McDonald's for dinner Vicky likes to go to the play area and we get to just sit back and let her play. There was another little boy about 1 or so.  Vicky is 3, a month shy of 4 and she loves to play with other kids. They were fine and getting along until the 6 or 7 year old came along.  Vicky gets along with everyone and loves to play so the older boy was following her and her new friend trying to tell them what to do and where to stop and play.  As they were continuing to play and go down the slide the older boy tells the little one to go play on the smaller slide and how he was not big enough to go on the bigger slide.  The mom busy with the other kid and not sure if she heard or not didn't say anything.

The little boy was upset and Vicky did not like to see this either.  She told the older boy that it was not nice to be bossy and that there was enough room for everyone. The older boy commented that the slide was only for kids that were over 4.  So Vicky said "but I am 3 and I am big enough to go on the slide if I want.". She took the little boys hand and proceeded to go up the stair to the slide.  The older boy actually tried to stop them. So she looks at me and was like Mommy am I big enough to go on the slide. I of course proceeded with "Yes, you and your friend can go on the slide. This is a public place and is for every little girl and boy that want to have fun. No one is the boss around here when it comes to who is allowed and who isn't unless it is a safety issue, but then that is why the parents are here for so go and play wherever you and your friend want.  At that point because you can hear the sarcasm in my voice, the mom of the older boy finally said something. She tells him, "If you can't play nice then we are leaving. "
"But he is too small to be on the slide and he is just in the way," he yelled at her.

The father of the little boy was ready to say something and Vicky being the "friend of all kids" says, "There is room for everyone. I will hold his hand so he does not get in the way or get hurt. You have to learn to be patient! (Something we tell her all the time). If you want to play with us then you have to be nice to him." She then proceeds to go up the stairs to the slide again and for the next 10 minutes is playing with the little boy because the older one had a fit.  Oh Well!

One thing we have insisted with Vicky is that she is to be nice to all the other kids until they are mean to her or stand up for the younger and smaller kids. She is not one to stand down or back off. If you do something or say something she doesn't like she will let you know. I wish I had that confidence when I was her age. I was a very shy girl. For anyone that knows me today would have a hard time believing that but I was. Too many kids that try to be bullies or bossy these days.  Can't we all just get along!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wednesday Blog Hopping!

My first blog hop! Since I am new to this please bear with me as I go along each blog. Here are the links!

And the links did not work. So here are the sites.

Simply Stacie

Adventures Of A Corn Turtle Hunter

The Facebook follow link is on Simply Stacie, and the others are on Rich's blog. Thank you!

Follow along, enjoy reading some good blogs, I know I am! 

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Nosy people

I know some people have different parenting techniques and if you ask my opinion I will tell you. But I would never just come out and tell you how to raise you kid, especially if you are a stranger to me. My daughter is a very well behaved little girl. She understands the meaning of no and will not throw fits in the store. Once and a while she will test me and I give her "The mommy look".  I must have gotten it from my mom since she used to scare the crap out of us with that look.  So we go to the store and there is a kid about 5 yelling at his mom that he wants a toy. Victoria is saying "He is being naughty mommy. He is yelling at him mom and you don't yell at mommies right?"  Well you know that when another kid is saying how naughty another one is, they have to be doing something wrong.  OK back to the kid. "Mom I want it!! Yelling almost at the top of his lungs,  AAAAAAAAAA I hate you!!!!" She proceeds with "Sure hunny whatever you say but you know we are looking for a birthday present for Tony." Now I know she was being patient and started moving away from the toys. He then smacks her in the face and says "go back for the toy!!!"  The mom looked at me because it was unavoidable since I was going towards her on the other side of the isle. I gave her a sympathetic look but thought if that was Vicky I really don't know what my reaction would have been. She proceeded to slap his hand and said don't ever do it again, just wait till we get home." Just as she did that another lady walks by as she slapped the hand of the boy. "Oh my God.  Why are you hitting your child. You are abusing the poor boy. I should report you to the authorities." Of course with the kid crying, it didn't help any. The lady wasn't sure what to say so I kind of stepped in and told the lady to mind her own business. She was not there when the kid had slapped her and if she would like to have a first hand on what that looked like I am pretty sure that the little boy would like to show her if not I could.  Of course the lady looked at me like I had just told her she was mutant from another world or something because she stormed away.  The other lady still kind of embarrassed, said thank you and started to apologize to me for putting me in that awkward situation. I told her there was no need and I just hope that the kid doesn't do it again to her because if she lets him get a way with it now, what will he be capable of later when he is bigger you know.  By now the little boy stopped crying and Vicky proceeded to tell him that he was naughty and had to say sorry to his mom and give her a hug and kiss and never do that again. OK here is my 3 year old telling this 5 year old how to act and say sorry.  The lady said she was cute and thanked her for saying that to her son. I thought she was going to get mad but she didn't and went on her way as I heard the boy asking his mom if she was going to tell his dad what he did. Must have been yes because I heard him cry again.  Now I am not one to hit or anything. I give my daughter time outs. Yes my mom spanked me when I was younger and I know many people like this too. I was never beaten.  We need to distinguish different ways of discipline vs. abuse.  If you raise your voice to your kid some would say it is abuse. I personally think a slap on the hand or a swat on the butt is not abuse.  The people who I read about that hit their kids till they are unconscious or throw them up and let them fall on the floor to see how many times they bounce or the ones that do these awful things to the kids that I can't even mention, are the ones that are abusing. I have read several articles on newborns that are raped several times and then beaten till they don't breath and thrown away like trash or the one that are put in the closet for months to starve. Where are the nosy people then? Why didn't they see the signs there? OK not going to rant but next time some nosy ass biddy comes up and says you are a bad parent or why don't you buy that for the kid, tell them to give you the money if it concerns them that much.  I bet they will turn away and not bother you again.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tooth Fairy

How much is too much for losing a tooth? While some of us growing up remember that a quarter was the biggest prize in the world, today it has changed.  What is a good amount for a tooth? I have found this to be one of those let's see what everyone thinks questions.  I think that if it is the 1st tooth then it should be a nice amount maybe $5 and the other teeth that are destined to fall out, a $1. When the last tooth falls out then I would give more maybe even up to $20. I mean come on now, this is the last baby tooth they will have!! If we start to give our kids more and more each time, will they purposely start trying to take out their teeth?  Do you think this it too much or not enough? I had a brief discussion about this at work and I got mixed amounts.  The highest one was $10 for the 1st tooth and $50 for the last tooth. I've heard others/friends that they have given up to $100.  Now I know each parent is different but what are we teaching our kids at this point?  To expect more and if they do, are they to brag about it?  OK so here is something for you to think about. What would you give your child and why? Also when do you tell you child that there is no tooth fairy? Just my thought for the day. Thank you. 

Thursday, August 12, 2010

School Restrictions Going Too Far

OK, this is the first post on here for me so be patient. I'd like to start my first post with some thoughts and opinions and please feel free to give me your opinions. When the schools put restrictions on kids, when is it too much?  I have a friend in Canada who posted that at her child's school, they cannot bring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Now what if you have a picky eater and this is all he/she eats? My husband Rich told me that he heard somewhere that a kid had one of those granola or breakfast bar of some sort for lunch and had it taken away/confiscated because he didn't have the wrapper to show if it had peanuts or not.  He got his entire lunch taken away because it was in with his other stuff .  So this kid went the rest of the day without eating.  Reason being: if a kid that has allergies to peanuts trade lunches and are allergic or touch anything with peanuts, they can go into anaphylactic shock and possibly die. OK maybe a little extreme but can happen. If you know your kid is allergic and is not supposed to eat the stuff, don't you think your kid should know this too? OK fine they can justify that. But the kid went without a lunch! I don't know about you but if the school did that to my kid, I would wonder why they didn't call me to ask if I could bring a replacement lunch or even have them feed my child something from the cafeteria and I pay back later. 

I have another one where her kid cannot wear shoes with laces because they can tie them together and fall. So are they going to get rid of potato sack races?  This is part of learning to balance and dealing with skinned knees. Yes I did this when I was little and I learned my lesson.  One of the others I have heard that they don't allow them to have shoe ties is because other kids don't know how to tie their shoes and make them feel inferior and stupid.  What! If you cannot take the time to teach your child how to tie a shoe then you are failing showing them simple things of life. My little one is three going on four soon and yes she is practicing how to tie her own shoes. She will know this by the time she starts school next year. We need to start paying more attention to the kids and teach them simple things in life. More of those to come.  Well that is all for now but will try to post more opinions and advice from this mommy's point of view. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Testing, Testing

Hello, my name is Yolanda, and I am testing my blog feed to Twitter, and to my Facebook page. Thank you for stopping by!