Friday, August 13, 2010

Tooth Fairy

How much is too much for losing a tooth? While some of us growing up remember that a quarter was the biggest prize in the world, today it has changed.  What is a good amount for a tooth? I have found this to be one of those let's see what everyone thinks questions.  I think that if it is the 1st tooth then it should be a nice amount maybe $5 and the other teeth that are destined to fall out, a $1. When the last tooth falls out then I would give more maybe even up to $20. I mean come on now, this is the last baby tooth they will have!! If we start to give our kids more and more each time, will they purposely start trying to take out their teeth?  Do you think this it too much or not enough? I had a brief discussion about this at work and I got mixed amounts.  The highest one was $10 for the 1st tooth and $50 for the last tooth. I've heard others/friends that they have given up to $100.  Now I know each parent is different but what are we teaching our kids at this point?  To expect more and if they do, are they to brag about it?  OK so here is something for you to think about. What would you give your child and why? Also when do you tell you child that there is no tooth fairy? Just my thought for the day. Thank you. 

1 comment:

  1. I say a nickel! A nickel per tooth, and not a penny more! ;D But I usually get overruled now don't I?
