What is it with people and either being in a hurry to pass you up or the need to still text, read books/paper, and tailgate you. So this morning I was on my way to work, yes a whole 1.3 miles straight down the road. Lucky me!! First pulling out my driveway and waiting for traffic to go by, finally my turn, car is at stop sign about 500 feet away, so I go. I stop to let the kids at the crosswalk pass by since it is the correct thing to do. This person from behind almost his me because they were looking down and didn't realize I was stopped. OK proceed to go. At the light waiting for it to turn green, my turn, as I start to go, someone passes the red light to turn in from of me. Now if you are from the area there is a light by the paper mill that turn red right away and yes you slow down and stop. This person did no such thing. Had I not been looking, and get into the habit of looking before you go, I would have been hit. Next two lights were OK and then comes the light that has the lane to turn left or the right lane to continue straight. This guy on the left hand lane was racing to try to pass everyone since he was in the wrong lane, tried to force his way and the cars were not letting him. Of course they were flowing with traffic and if you know you have to stay on the right lane then be in it at least a block before not at the last minute!
No one let him in and as I was passing, was going to but then he is beeping as people are passing and flicking us off. Oh well there goes my niceness of letting you in. Almost at work just 3 more lights to go. Yes even thought it is a short distance, I still drive and there is a lot of lights. Getting to the final light before I turn, there is a minivan in the left lane kind of going in and out of their lane, light turns red so I look over to see what was going on, HE WAS READING A PAPER!!! Really!?? Since when is it OK to read a paper or anything else while driving? OK almost to work. Behind some car in the parking ramp that can't make up their mind where to park. Make a decision. This person would stop and look and then start going again. FINALLY they made a choice and parked but come on! There were plenty of spaces where your company has assigned parking. Yes we share a ramp with another company and since they have moved it, it has been a cluster F***. NO I am not an impatient driver but when I see things like these it really ticks me off.
Time to go home. People on the leaving feel that they have to go driving down the ramp like it is the Indy 500. As people are trying to pull out of their spot almost get hit because one minute there is no one around then oh look a car! OK finally out of the death trap and onto the road again.
Just as fun as the morning. People tailgating you, passing you up because their time is more valuable then yours! Mind you Speed limit is 25 but people go 40. I was going about 27 ( I am a dare devil!!) I was behind a few cars going normal speed and this red sports car wanna be is dodging in and out. He passes me then cuts me off so he can get a millisecond faster to his destination. My goodness. Do we all have to take the driving test again? How many people would fail? Finally a block away from home. Ready to pull into the driveway, put my signal that I am turning and wait for the car to pass on the other side, person behind me was too much in a hurry because there is really not too much room to go around but they managed. Funny thing is that turned down the street next to the house.
Don't be in a hurry to get to where you are just get there safely. I'd rather be late than not get there at all.
Think about it.
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